Source code for utils

import datetime
import requests
from typing import Dict

    import ujson as json
except ImportError:
    import json

[docs]def get_date(delta: int) -> str: """Build a date object with given day offset. Function is necessary to check games for NHL since the API returns games for entire week. Get the date as a string in a particular format used in JSON returned from NHL API. Args: delta (int): Offset Returns: str: Date in the format "%Weekday %-month%-dayofmonth" """ date = if delta is not None: offset = datetime.timedelta(days=delta) date = date + offset date = date.strftime("%A %-m/%-d") return date
[docs]def get_JSON(URL: str) -> Dict: """Request JSON from API server. GET requests to URL provided to the function and return a python dict. APIs like NHL have a wrapper so handles that as well. Args: URL (str): [description] Returns: Dict: JSON object that was parsed into a python dictionary """ response = requests.get(URL) # the API has a wrapper, so remove it if 'nhle' in URL: response = response.text.replace('loadScoreboard(', '') response = response.replace(')', '') response = json.loads(response) else: response = json.loads(response.text) return response